
the best part of getting married in the south south south suburbs is that i can have wedding pictures taken in the cornfields. maybe i'll ride a tractor and wear cowboy boots.

p.s. i hate gwyneth paltrow with almost all of my heart (the other part is still devoted to hating jamie foxx).

1 comment:

Hillary said...

hi julyna! it's hillary! i wanted to tell you that i laughed really hard when i read this for two reasons:
1) i am watching a show with mario batali where he goes to different places. with gwenyth paltrow. and she made a huge deal about how gross it was that he was eating veal or something, and then when he was cooking a fish on a grill she was like "MMMMmmmm that looks dee-LISH" and then ate it. hypocrite.
2) why do you hate jamie foxx?! it was so funny that i choked.